Pre-School Education
Two Year Old Curriculum

“Now I Can Do It-Two”
Learning, like life, grows in steps. “Now I Can Do It 2” takes 2-year-olds into a whole new world of discovery, sensory, cognition and recognition. Children begin to master more and learn more. Through music, sensory, nature, art, blocks, drama, and self- help activities, two-year olds start to clarify and identify their place in the world around them. Some parts of the day are structured. Other parts of the day are messy. It is guaranteed that at the end of each day, the combination of both structured and messy will equal fun and excitement. Through developmentally appropriate practices, children learn, play and master.
- Numbers 1 – 10
- Primary colors +2 (English/Spanish)
- Basic & geometric shapes
- Days of the week (English/Spanish)
- Months of the year
- Name recognition and simple spelling
Three Year Old Curriculum

“Leave it to Me-Three”
The world includes more than me at three. “There is so much more to discover at three than any would believe it to be,” is the premise our 3- year-old program was formed. Laying a firm foundation for learning allows 3 year-olds the ability to surprise themselves as well as their peers and parents. Our pre-school program, “Imagine It,” allows students to “imagine” what they want to do and proceed to actually watch their imaginations come to life. The print rich classroom comes alive through literacy and pictures that teach students how letters and sounds form words and how words define the world. The learning is endless at this stage. Students start to fine tune their environment as things begin to make things make sense. Putting a name to a shape (i.e., a stop sign is an octagon) gets things in total perspective.
- Writing Upper Case letters A-Z
- Learning lower case letter
- Numbers 1-50
- Primary + 3 colors (English /Spanish)
- Geometric Shapes
- Days of the Week (recognition and spelling)
- Months of the Year (recognition and spelling)
- Writing first name, (upper case)
- Beginning phonics
- Beginning math
Four Year Old Curriculum

"Four= More…Learning”
With knowledge being our most precious natural resource, the 4-year-olds expanse level of knowledge makes them one of our most precious age groups. Everything ramps up at this level: from spelling colors to creating new colors; from looking at picture books to reading words in the books: from simple alphabet sounds to word blends, from recognizing site word to forming those words into simple sentences. “How did I do that?” Four-year-olds ask themselves that every day as they learn to identify every dinosaur and their eating habits (carnivores or herbivores) and almost every form of marine life in our monthly themes. The globe is but a finger tip away as they learn the cultural mores and artifacts from 10 different nationalities around the globe. “Imagine It” (the pre-k program) at this level takes 4-year-olds to the pinnacle of learning and beyond…
- Writing upper & lower case alphabets
- Preschool math (single & double digit addition and subtraction)
- Primary colors + 4
- Writing & spelling primary colors
- Site word reading, simple sentence building
- Numbers 1 – 100 writing & reciting
- Geometric shapes & sides
- Writing & spelling first and last names
- Four seasons
- Vowel & consonant distinction
Five Year Old Curriculum

“High 5”
The 5- year-olds represent the apex of learning potential at The Premier Child Care Centers. Every stage of learning in the preceding levels, laid the foundationfor students to peak at this level. Students interchange the use of both upper and lower case alphabets as they learn to write simple sentences and read. Reading and math comprehension are the focus. They excel beyond reading readiness. They are ready and reading! Graduates from the “High 5” program test off the charts for the select-enrollment public/private schools. Life-long learners are created in the 5-year-old class. When they matriculate into the next level of learning, they are prepared, confident, and socially well rounded.
- Review 4 year old curriculum @ the start of the academic year
- Primary colors + 5 (lavender, burgundy, magenta, lime, fuchsia etc.)
- Phonics
- Spelling days of the week
- Spelling months of the year
- Word blends and proper sentence structure
- Sequencing
- Categorization
- Simple multiplication
- Simple fractions
- States of the union
- US Presidents
- Shapes (sphere, cylinder, obsolesce, cone, cube)
- Reading readiness and math readiness workbooks